SBI has released an online official notification for 439 posts of SBI Special Cadre Officer on regular basis. SBI So Recruitment 2023 Process will include Written Examination, Physical Fitness Test, Mental Fitness Test and Technical Test (if required).
Interested Candidates can fill up their forms from 16th September 2023 to 6th October 2023. The candidates should go through the complete details before filling the SBI SO Bharti Form. Age Limit, Educational Qualifications, Selection Process, Salary, Additional Information, Link etc For SBI SO Recruitment 2023 are given below.
Qualification (For Above Posts): Bachelors of Engineering/B. Tech in (Computer Science & Engineering/ IT / Electronics/ Electronics & Communications Engineering/ Software Engineering or any equivalent degree in above specified manner) or Masters in Computer Applications or M. Tech/ M.Sc. in (Computer Science/ Computer Science & Engineering/ IT/ Electronics/ Electronic & Communications Engineering or any other equivalent degree in the above-specified discipline manner) from a recognized University/ Institution/ Board by Govt of India or approved by the Govt Regulatory Bodies.